Have questions or concerns? Have you checked the Frequently Asked Questions, especially if it’s an installation issue? If so, and your question was not answered, let us know.

Technical Assistance Questions

Please include the following information, if it is a technical support question.

  1. Operating system you are using
  2. Version of the program you are using Help menu > About Diamond Scheduler and include the Build number.
  3. If it is a question about scheduling in a particular situation, please upload your schedule file by clicking the Choose File button below. By default, your schedule file will be in the Documents/schedules folder. Be sure to provide as many details as possible about the problem you’re having. Generic descriptions like, “it doesn’t work” won’t allow us to replicate the problem.

You’re also welcome to simply email us at support@cactusware.com

  • Accepted file types: ds7, shd, jpg, png, pdf, db, doc, Max. file size: 16 MB.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.