Installing Diamond Scheduler 7 on Your Computer (Mac or Windows)

You should have received an email with some instructions. That email might be in your SPAM folder. In short, it says:

Thank you for your downloading Diamond Scheduler. The information you need to get up and running with Diamond Scheduler is listed below. To get started, we suggest you watch, at least, the introductory screencast on our support page.

Step 1
If you do not have Adobe AIR installed on your computer, please install it first. You can get AIR at the following link: Adobe AIR is installed on over 1 billion devices worldwide, so it’s not an obscure technology.

If you are using a Mac with Catalina OS, read this article.

Step 2
With Adobe AIR installed on your computer, download and run the following file Mac and Windows Setup File. If you have any problems installing the program, please temporarily disable anti-virus software, then try again.

Note: If you download using Internet Explorer, the extension of the setup file may get changed from *.air to *.zip. If you change the extension back to *.air, it should work. Click for Demonstration Movie

Step 3 (if you purchased a subscription)
You should have received license information in an email. If you don’t see this, check your SPAM folder. It ends up there on occasion. The license key in that email should be used to register the program by going to the Help menu > Register and Activate Diamond Scheduler.

Registration Menu

This will bring up the activation dialog box where you can paste your license key and you’ll be ready to go.

License key dialog box


Troubleshooting the Installation

The error we hear about occasionally is a dialog box that says, “Sorry, an error has occurred. The application could not be installed because the installer file is damaged. Try obtaining a new installer file from the application author.” In fact, the installer file is not damaged. There is likely a conflict of programs.

Fix Number 1

We have found that McAfee real-time scanning especially loves to block installation of the program. From their web site, here are instructions on how to turn off real-time scanning just for a few minutes. Turn off McAfee Real-Time Scanning Temporarily

Fix Number 2

Diamond Scheduler uses Adobe AIR to allow cross-platform development. You should have the AIR plugin installed on your computer for Diamond Scheduler to work properly. Like Adobe Flash, AIR is often installed on users’ computers, but yours may not have it pre-installed. If you have the problem mentioned above, we suggest the following to overcome the difficulties.

  1. First uninstall Diamond Scheduler if it is already installed (Control Panel > Uninstall on Windows and Application folder on Mac).
  2. Make sure the application folder does not exist (for Windows, it is most likely located at c:\Program Files\Diamond Scheduler 7 or c:\Program Files (x86)\Diamond Scheduler 7 and Applications folder on a Mac). If the Diamond Scheduler folder still exists after uninstalling the program, delete it.
  3. Empty the Recycle Bin (Windows) or Trash (Mac).
  4. Make sure your computer’s system clock is correct. Correct the date and time if it not current.
  5. Install the latest version of Adobe AIR (download from
  6. Try installing Diamond Scheduler again.

If none of these work for you, please contact us. We’ll help.