Tutorial Movies
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Please note: These tutorials are done on a Windows computer. If you’re using a Mac, menu items will be at the top of your computer screen.
If you already have your information in lists or spreadsheets, learn how to import that information into Diamond Scheduler. If you’re starting from scratch, skip to the next movie, An Introduction to Diamond Scheduler
9:45 mins
Learn the basics of schedule creation with Diamond Scheduler.
8:45 mins
Most leagues have more than one division so here’s an introduction to scheduling multiple divisions for your league.
4:15 mins
Learn how to fairly share timeslots across multiple divisions that use the same venues by adjusting a couple of settings.
3:15 mins
Creating practice schedules is simple, if you know the secrets.
3:15 mins
Across-division scheduling allows you to create games between two or more divisions or leagues.
2:30 mins
Understanding timeslot creation is one of the most important concepts for successful scheduling. Don’t skip over this movie.
7:10 mins
The division tab is pretty simple, but you might as well find out your options.
2:00 mins
The team tab allows you to control when and where teams can play. With several options to choose from, you should have a lot of control over special situations in your league.
6:20 mins
This movie repeats Understanding Timeslots in the first section of movies. If you have watched that movie, you can skip this one. The venue tab is just another form, like the division and team tabs. However, it’s crucial that you understand timeslots assignment at venues to use Diamond Scheduler most productively.
7:10 mins
The people tab is primarily used to avoid scheduling conflicts in Diamond Scheduler.
3:00 mins
The schedule tab can seem daunting at first. This screencast explains all the options you have.
8:30 mins
The Timeslot Calendar allows you to identify when teams can play at your venues. It is full of options, so taking the time to watch this presentation will pay off.
7:45 mins
The MasterCalendar allows you to edit existing schedules. It provides you with an overview of the entire schedule or a filtered view of certain divisions, teams or venues. Right clicking on the master calendar reveals a host of menus that provide advanced functionality.
8:15 mins
Do you have teams that shouldn’t be scheduled to travel more than x number of miles (kilometers) between games or from home on certain days? Check out this screencast.
1:30 mins
One of the more useful tips and tricks to Diamond Scheduler
4:30 mins
A pairing method that splits the league into smaller groups each play date and allows each group’s teams to play the other teams in the group, resulting in multiple games per day.
4:40 mins
Learn how LeagueApps and Diamond Scheduler make the scheduling work together to make scheduling easy.
8:30 mins
Learn how LeagueAthletics and Diamond Scheduler make the scheduling process easy.
6:30 mins
Learn how to export your schedules using LeagueAthletics CSV file format.
5:30 mins
Learn how SportsEngine and Diamond Scheduler work together using DirectLink.
8:30 mins
Learn how SportsEngine and Diamond Scheduler work together using CSV files..
7:30 mins
Learn how the two programs work together to make your scheduling life easier.
3:50 mins