Program Downloads as Zip File

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This issue occurs with Diamond Scheduler 7 only. Diamond Scheduler 8 does not exhibit this problem.

The most likely cause of this is that you used Internet Explorer to download the setup file. The setup file should have an extension of *.air but IE changes the extension at times to *.zip. You have two choices to fix the issue.

  1. Use Firefox, Safari, or Chrome to download the file.
  2. Change the extension of the  file back to *.air so that it is name DiamondScheduler.air
Here’s a little movie showing how it’s done:

There’s actually a third option by changing the security settings of Internet Explorer, but it’s not worth the effort since the other two approaches work fine.

On a Mac, the installation file may download and when you click on the file to install it, your computer will open the file as if it were a *.zip file and  you will see the contents of the zip file. If this occurs, instead of double-clicking on the installation file, right click on the file icon and choose to open the file with Adobe AIR Installer.

Keywords: zip file, zip,which program to open,installation, mac download

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