Changing Division Associations of Timeslots

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The quick directions to changing the divisions that are associated with timeslots are easy.

  1. Select the timeslots you want to change
  2. Modify the division associations

However, the most efficient way to select the timeslots and change the associations depends upon what you want to change.

Change All Timeslots at a Venue

I’ll say that I created all my timeslots at a venue as unassigned timeslots. But now I realize I want to assign them to a specific division. That’s easiest done in the Timeslot Calendar.

  1. Select the divisions the timeslots should be associated with
  2. Select all the timeslots for the venue
  3. Click Apply Above Properties

Change Specific Timeslots’ Associations

Fancier or more complex changes can be done inside the master calendar. The steps are again straightforward.

  1. Select the timeslots you want to change.
  2. Change the division association

Here’s the simplest example.

So it may be apparent now that the trick is, “How do you select the timeslots you want to change?”

You can filter the visible timeslots on the left side by venue, if you like. Or there’s a variety of ways you select just certain timeslots if you right click on the calendar and choose Select


Once you have selected the timeslots you want, choose Associate and attach one or more divisions to those timeslots.

keywords: timeslots,change divisions,modify timeslots,which divisions can use,associate,associate timeslots,change which divisions,timeslot types,unassigned,multidivision,single division,types of timeslots


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