SquadFusion and Diamond Scheduler

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The communication between SquadFusion and DiamondScheduler includes the following

  • Ability to download your programs, squads, divisions etc. from SquadFusion into Diamond Scheduler. You should always start your scheduling in Diamond Scheduler with an initial download as this is point at which Diamond Scheduler receives all of the id information about your league.
  • Next, schedule the league in Diamond Scheduler
  • Upload your finished schedule to SquadFusion.

Initial Download from SquadFusion

  1. In SquadFusion, be sure you have created all of your programs/divisions, squads/teams, and locations before beginning to use Diamond Scheduler.
  2. In Diamond Scheduler, navigate to File > DirectLink > SquadFusion
  3. Log in using your SquadFusion URL, email and password.         
  4. The Import SquadFusion Data button will be enabled. Click on that button to import your league.

  5. On the following screen, choose the program/s you want to download and click Import Data.


Create Your Schedule in Diamond Scheduler

There are several tutorials available to walk you through the process of scheduling at https://cactusware.com/tutorial-movies

Upload Your Schedule to SquadFusion

  1. Navigate to File > DirectLink > SquadFusion and click on Export Schedule to SquadFusion then choose the programs/divisions you want to publish and click Export.

Do you need to make changes?

If you re-upload your schedule you will create duplicate events. Therefore, you must delete any existing schedule you wish to re-publish before doing so. Click on Delete Games on SquadFusion, follow the instructions, then re-publish the relevant schedule.


keywords: SquadFusion

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