Program says I have No Timeslots Available

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One of the more frequent “gotchas” with the program appears when you’ve decided not to associate timeslots with specific divisions or if you associate timeslots with multiple divisions. When you schedule a level/division that needs to draw upon that pool of timeslots, be sure to check either or both of the following checkboxes, which you’ll find by clicking on the Timeslots to Use tab at the bottom left of the schedule form.
Another reason for this message is if the teams do not have home venues assigned since the program won’t know where teams can play their home games. If all teams play at all venues, you can make the venues “neutral” by checking the “Neutral Venue” checkbox at the bottom of the venue screen or, to make all venues neutral, use this menu item.
Related Article: Creating Timeslots
Keywords: division timeslots,error,multi-division,multidivision,multiple division,no available timeslots,unassigned,unassigned timeslots,zero,no timeslots,0 timeslots,zero timeslots
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